Bulletin Board

Learning step by step to reduce the risk of Covid-19  

For example, through social distancing

"It is not how much we have, 

but how much we enjoy, 

that makes happiness."

-Charles Spurgeon

Child Health & Nutrition Program!

The food program is working hard to get providers reimbursed for the healthy food we feed our tots! Right now they are looking for more providers to participate in this nutrional program that helps make sure our children are getting the supplements they need and providers are getting assistance while doing so. There are many providers out there who don't participate in this program, it's possible that they are unaware of the program, but I have come to find some providers assume they won't benefit from it. We are doing this to let you know that costs that are covered are very much so worth the 5-10 minutes daily it may take you to fill out the menu's and the 15-20 minutes it may take you to fill out and send in the monthly paperwork. If you need or are interested in contacting our program representative please feel free to do so, as their information is provided below.

CocoKids Childhood Champions

Nutritional Dept.

(925) 676-6118